Book Review

2025: Reading List
"So many books, so little time."— Frank Zappa Product Development & Design: How to Build Impossible things: A Carpenter’s Notes on Life and the Art of Good work The Design of Everyday Things Pattern Breakers: Why Some Startups Change the...
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Monthly Review: January, 2022
"Learn to build in silence, but show workings in public." Going forward, every last week of each month I'll share a brief report on the month’s learnings and development. This monthly review will contain updates around personal and professional development,...
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Book Review: Am I Being Fooled? By Emmanuel Iren
This book is a critical and investigative work brilliantly written in a bid to answer some very salient questions with regards to the Christian Faith, Walk & God. The book has the following 6 chapters; Is there A God?Is the...
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Book Review: Ego is The Enemy & Psychology of Money
EGO IS THE ENEMY: The Fight To Master Our Greatest Opponent Sometime in December last year was the first time I found out about the author Ryan Holiday. I just read his book Obstacle is The Way. (Mind you, it...
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