2025: Reading List
"So many books, so little time."— Frank Zappa Product Development & Design: How to Build...
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2024: Reading List
"A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies... The man who never reads lives...
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28 Lessons
Earlier in the month I was speaking with a group of friends -- reminiscing how...
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2023: Reading List
“I want to put a ding in the universe.”Steve jobs Development Economics: Exceptional People: How...
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10 months later…
Earlier in the year, I transitioned from a background in Strategy & Operations into Product...
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What if?
What if? What if my bank app could do much more than basic stuff? What...
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I visited 3 Cities in 24 hours. This is what I found out.
Last month I saw a particular tweet that somehow served as a compass for me...
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Monthly Review: January, 2022
"Learn to build in silence, but show workings in public." Going forward, every last week...
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So you really want to run for office?
I've had my fair share of politics and while we can politicians all sort of...
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How I Almost Missed Investing in MTN
Last year, MTN Group announced its public offer to retail investors for the sale of...
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