2025: Reading List
"So many books, so little time."— Frank Zappa Product Development & Design: How to Build Impossible things: A Carpenter’s Notes on Life and the Art of Good work The Design of Everyday Things Pattern Breakers: Why Some Startups Change the...
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2024: Reading List
"A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies... The man who never reads lives only one." – George R.R. Martin, A Dance with Dragons Development Economics: How The World Really Works: The Science Behind How We Got Here and Where...
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28 Lessons
Earlier in the month I was speaking with a group of friends -- reminiscing how far we've come and our unique experiences, and how they further strengthened and shaped our current realities and convictions. While speaking, it dawned on me...
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2023: Reading List
“I want to put a ding in the universe.”Steve jobs Development Economics: Exceptional People: How Migration Shaped Our World and Will Define Our Future - Ian Goldin and Geoffrey Cameron The Power of Creative Destruction: Economic Upheaval and the Wealth...
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10 months later…
Earlier in the year, I transitioned from a background in Strategy & Operations into Product Management. I came into the year thinking I'll do more personal writing and peradventure transition into (technical) AI/ML. Errm, things didn't work out precisely as...
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What if?
What if? What if my bank app could do much more than basic stuff? What if? Just take a cusroy look -- So basic - transfers, payment, buy airtime & dara, apply for loans... Basic stuffs! What if? I dont...
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I visited 3 Cities in 24 hours. This is what I found out.
Last month I saw a particular tweet that somehow served as a compass for me throughout the month. It helped with channelling my focus, knowing fully well that my level of productivity for the month would literally set the pace...
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Monthly Review: January, 2022
"Learn to build in silence, but show workings in public." Going forward, every last week of each month I'll share a brief report on the month’s learnings and development. This monthly review will contain updates around personal and professional development,...
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So you really want to run for office?
I've had my fair share of politics and while we can politicians all sort of names ranging from selfish to cruel, wicked, corrupt and lacking political will - which might be true - yet, they are anything but fools. In...
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How I Almost Missed Investing in MTN
Last year, MTN Group announced its public offer to retail investors for the sale of up to 575 million shares held in MTN Nigeria and was priced at N169.00 per share (the Offer). The Offer opened on Wednesday, 1 December...
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